
ReadCube Papers

Revolutionize your research capacity with streamlined access to a network full of peer-reviewed academic studies


103 Votes

A Comprehensive Tool for Managing and Organizing Research

ReadCube Papers is an innovative, all-in-one software that aims to simplify the process of organizing, reading, and annotating research papers. It's an essential tool for researchers, students, and anyone who needs to keep track of a large volume of academic resources.

Intuitive Interface

ReadCube Papers boasts an intuitive, user-friendly interface that makes it easy even for beginners to start organizing their research. The main dashboard is clean and well-structured, ensuring users can quickly find the features and tools they need. The software also offers a distinct visual layout that allows users to easily distinguish between different categories of their research.

Impressive Organization Features

What sets ReadCube Papers apart is its impressive organization features. Users can create libraries and use folders and tags to categorize their research. The addition of smart collections provides an automated way to group papers based on user-set criteria. The software also supports adding notes and annotations directly on the papers, making it easier for users to review and recall important details.

Efficient Search Functionality

ReadCube Papers offers an efficient search functionality that allows users to quickly locate specific papers within their libraries. The software's advanced filtering options also enable users to refine their searches based on various criteria including authors, journals, and publication dates.

Integration with Academic Databases

Another important feature of ReadCube Papers is its integration with various academic databases. This feature allows users to directly import papers from these platforms into their ReadCube library, significantly streamlining the research process. The software also supports the importation of PDFs and other document formats, making it a versatile tool for managing all kinds of academic resources.


In conclusion, ReadCube Papers is a powerful, feature-rich software that significantly simplifies the often daunting task of managing and organizing research. Its intuitive interface, robust organization features, efficient search functionality, and seamless integration with academic databases make it an indispensable tool for researchers and students alike.

HQ Location
Cambridge, MA
Year Founded
LinkedIn® Page (21 employees)
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A massive web-based research paper database that helps you find and upload research papers and case studies


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Open source system designed to assist users with finding and citing academic resources


Compile essential documents within an organized digital library by synchronizing all of your online catalogs